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Energy Ranger!

Energy Ranger!


The Benecia “Energy Rangers” are going strong in our second week of Green House Calls! We have set ourselves team goals and are supporting each other. Our team values guiding us through are: Each ranger gives 100%, have your partner’s back, pass the mic, and clean yo’ mess, just to name a few. The Rangers have come up with a mascot for our outreach, but we are still in production. This picture is a glimpse at where we are heading and our mascot’s future looks as bright as the CFL’s we are installing! Our mascot will represent our team’s integrity, our concern for the environment, and our passion for working with the community. Not only will we get the attention of homeowners and renters in our community, but also children, with whom we can share our knowledge and further their own interest in what it means to be Green. Stay efficient! -Dharshini N.


Vacaville Vacaville Week 2 - Goal Thermometer Hey, this is Steven reporting in for the Vacaville site. I assure you that my team is hard at work and we are very excited for our team. We just made the 54 green house call mark today and I’m very excited that my team has come so far. We had a rough start but we are knocking green house calls out the park now and we hope we’re able to get to 85 by next week! -Steven


Martinez, AKA, The Martisians

Martinez - team having fun in the site office

As week two rolled up, the Rising Sun Energy in Martinez continued to vigorously fight for more Green House Calls (GHC’s). Knowing that this was the first time Rising Sun was in Martinez, they heroically accepted the challenge and with week two near its end, things were going smoothly. Installs were in high demand, “We installed almost 20 light bulbs today” said the ES to the LIFT, “Wow” he responded, “Wait, you said almost, how much did you actually install?”. The ES began to hesitate, silence surrounded the two, and just as hope seemed to dwindle, the ES coughed and said “sorry i had something in my throat. We installed 19 bulbs exactly”. The LIFT chuckled with a grin and said “That’s great! Keep up the good work.” The rest of the ES’s all smiled and nodded in agreement, acknowledging that they would try their hardest for good service and also try to outreach to more people. Every ES knew that getting more referrals would put them closer to the prize the managers promised to the team that got the most: a Starbucks gift card. Week 3 approaches. How will our Energy Specialist handle being on the job for 12 days? And which team will win the spoils of getting referrals? Till next blog 😀 -Juan[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]