Global increases in greenhouse gas emissions have caused cities nationwide to focus on climate change and its effects on our habitat. Today, we look at the city of Livermore, and how they plan to lower GHGs through the Climate Action Plan.

In 2010, Livermore began developing ways to reduce the amount of GHGs produced within the city to a level 15 percent below 2008 conditions by 2020. Policies and programs ranging from – water conservation, waste reduction, and energy efficiency were implemented.

Still in its draft stages, the city’s CAP is awaiting state approval. However, that hasn’t stopped Livermore from exploring ways to incorporate sustainable practices.

For the past three years, Livermore has partnered with California Youth Energy Services to offer homeowners and renters; no cost energy upgrades and free in-home energy education. In 2011, CYES provided 209 Livermore households with energy saving hardware and information.

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One way to cut down your carbon footprint: switch to compact florescent lights (CFL).

Energy Specialists installed the following materials in Livermore homes at no cost:

  • 2,675 Compact fluorescent lamps
  • 167 Efficient-flow showerheads & aerators
  • 75 Retractable clotheslines
  • 34 CFL torchiere lamps
  • 93 Powerstrips
  • 14 Feet of water heater pipe insulation

The installation of these measures resulted in an annual reduction of 116,573 kWh, 1,172 therms, and 191 gallons of water per minute, thereby reducing 86 metric tons of carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere. This is equivalent to one of the following CO2 greenhouse gas emissions

  • CO2 emissions from 9,641 gallons of gasoline
  • CO2 emissions from 200 barrels of oil consumed
  • Carbon sequestered annually from 18 acres of pine or fir forests

With summer approaching, it’s even more important that we reduce electricity, gas, and water waste. Here at CYES, we’re excited for another year of assisting Livermore residents help the city reach its goal of lowering emissions.

Sign up for a Green House Call today and receive a free energy assessment and efficiency upgrade to your home at no cost! For more information, contact CYES at 510-665-1501×10 or click here.[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]