Jose Ruiz
LIFT, Fremont

Week 1:

The Torchiere City is back with this summer’s most anticipated green program of the year -California Youth Energy Services! This summer is kicking off with the highlights of new faces and returning veterans; our team is highly motivated to meet our goals for the first week of training. Orientation day was a great ice breaker for our team and the program. It was great meeting the youth for the first time. They were shy at first but also enthusiastic about becoming Energy Specialists; right away I knew we had a bright summer ahead of us.

We picked up the pace quickly as the ESes packed up their tools and measures to perform a mock Green House Call. It caused quite a stir when our newer members found out that the mock GHC would be the home of an actual client. It was a big surprise!

The end of training week was a success for everyone. We looked forward to the first day of GHCs coming up in the following week!


The sun was shining high and the birds were singing loud, the beautiful sound of a great start for our energy specialist on the first day of green house calls. Every team at our site came in with a face full of smiles and heart filled of enthusiasm; this was a great motivator for the first day. We had a day filled with appointments and a determined group of youth whose mission were to meter every home they would visit.

On Thursday, after a nice relaxing holiday in the middle of the week we began the daily routine of checking out measures. The energy specialist began releasing any uncertainty about the whole Green House Call process and moved forward with confidence throughout the day. Friday was a big day for me as I prepared a slide show presentation for financial and time management. The topic ended on an inspirational note that challenged the youth to consider a new chapter in their lives: pursuing higher education. After the first official week of Green House Calls was finally over, we managed to meter 34 homes. This was an outstanding achievement for the first week! I couldn’t be more proud of my Energy Specialist and the support of my managers.