Earlier this year, Nicholas Piffeteau, Toni Ayonrinde, and Lau Prieto joined the Rising Sun team as paid fellows through Collabriv, a social venture based in San Francisco that helps young professionals worldwide gain global collaboration and leadership skills.

Nico is currently studying for a Master’s degree in Management in France. Passionate about social entrepreneurship, he has worked in Germany, Ireland, China and Ecuador. Always looking for new adventures, Nicolas enjoys hiking, backpacking and exploring, and used to practice inline speed skating at a national level (Junior French national champion). While at Rising Sun, Nico is working on the expansion of the CYES program and on researching new revenue models.

Toni grew up in Nigeria but studied a Bachelor in Management Information Systems and graduated in Ghana. She interned at a nonprofit in Zimbabwe, which was centered on educating youth and children on global warming and sustainability in Africa. Toni is working on the website development and marketing while at Rising Sun.

Lau is a dual-national, British and Spanish, and was born and raised in London, United Kingdom. In 2013 she obtained a BA in Social Anthropology from SOAS – University of London and has since then gained work experience at a nonprofit in London as a Fundraising Coordinator and most recently in Bolivia as a Commercialization Coordinator. While at Rising Sun, Lau will be working on fund development, including corporate sponsorship, grants and awards.

trioTogether they have been assisting with social media and the build-up towards Rising Sun’s incredible Bright Night fundraising event taking place in May 2015.

Being in Rising Sun has expanded my mind in various ways. It has given me the chance to understand energy efficiency in a new, unique and sustainable way. Working here, has also brought me in contact with an amazing set of people who I learn from every day”. – Toni

I was really impressed by the two energy specialists I met whilst watching a Green House Call in Stockton. They were determined, highly professional and able to clearly explain to us what they were doing”. – Nico

 “One of my highlights during the last three months has been attending the GETS graduation as well as the Green Festival. Seeing the GETS participants on this special day was truly inspiring”. – Lau

Toni, Nico and Lau will be working with Rising Sun from September 2014 until March 2015.