By Puneet, LIFT (Leader-In-Field-Training)

When I first became introduced to the Leader-In-Field-Training (LIFT) program with Rising Sun, I thought it would be a relaxing job, and much easier than being an Energy Specialist (ES). I was wrong. In my opinion, we LIFTs are the most important parts of our teams. This summer, I’ve overseen the inventory, replaced several Energy Specialists, planned for the final BBQ, and solicited donations. Though my experience as an ES was important, I prefer being a LIFT because of my new challenges and experiences.

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As an Energy Specialist, my job was pretty straight-forward; provide quality green house calls and support my partner. As a LIFT, I’ve had to help support the Energy Specialists and our managers, and I’ve learned so much. I would recommend the LIFT program to any ES, because we get to work more directly with Rising Sun staff, and have a great impact on the program. I’m glad I became a LIFT and have learned so much. I look forward to returning to Rising Sun Energy Center next summer.

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