By Joanna, LIFT (Leader-In-Field-Training)    

With tubs stocked full of faucet aerators, hose spray nozzles, leak detector tablets, and water efficient shower heads, Walnut Creek’s Energy Specialists are equipped to help combat the California drought, one installation at a time. Each water-saving measure they install during their Green House Calls aids in the conservation of thousands of gallons of water. This is an incredible feat, but it shouldn’t stop there.

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Many Bay Area residents are taking initiatives to save water, such as using grey water to irrigate their plants, or installing low-flow toilets. But what if we could all make an even greater impact, by simply changing our eating habits once a week?

Well, it could be fairly simple. Switching to a plant-based vegetarian diet has been shown to lead to an average per capita decrease in consumption of 264 gallons of water per week. No amount of water-saving upgrades in your home could save as much water as this change in eating habits.

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It has been shown time and time again that modern meat production is extremely water-exhaustive. Between the water used to hydrate livestock and grow their feed, nearly 2,000 gallons of water is used to produce a mere pound of meat.

While I am not suggesting every California resident suddenly trade in their meat and potatoes for quinoa and kale, a moderate to slight decrease in statewide meat consumption is desperately needed, especially with today’s pressing water issues. Meatless Mondays (abstaining from eating meat every Monday) are rapidly gaining popularity, and are a fairly easy way for everyone to participate in offsetting the extreme drought our state is facing. In the grand scheme of things, one meal a day, once a week is not a lot to ask. And the positive impacts would be overwhelming.

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