

Benicia Energy Rangers are going above and beyond in trying to get more Green House Calls. During the weekend our presence was at the Waterfront Festival in the beautiful city of Benicia. Fortunately we were able to encourage a few residents to get efficient with us, however we need more sign ups. Offering some encouragement was Miss Solano who was excited to hear of our work. Her promise to spread the word brightened our day and she gave us some useful tips for outreach. Our program is coming to an end and we have all learned valuable skills and ideas from it. We can not wait for our BBQ celebration next week. We mostly look forward to playing Ninja and the food. “We are so good, we schedule green house calls while playing Ninja”, said by one of our Energy Rangers.

-Dharshini N.

Benicia Week 5 - Two youth with Miss Solano


This week in Fremont, we started doing some outreach to get sign-ups at the Tri-City Food Bank. So far, it has been very successful, bringing our Energy Specialists (ESs) more appointments every day; taking us closer to our Green House Call goal. Our outreach manager and ESs have been working together to make this happen. I feel like the more outreach we do, the more communication and learning styles they will come across which is a huge plus!




Hayward Week 5 - team at work

As we approach the end of the program there is a bittersweet feeling. The Hayward team is very happy with their accomplishments, from having the media follow teams through a Green House Call, to having scheduled multiple apartment complexes in a week. Individually and as a unit we have come very far. From the beginning I knew our team was capable of great things and every single individual proved me right.

I have gotten the wonderful opportunity to be an Energy Specialist once again. Every time I go into a client’s home I see their thankful smile and content gesture, knowing there are programs like Rising Sun that are concerned about the environment and helping the community. I have encountered several clients who are in disbelief that our services are free but actions speak louder than words so I ask them to give me a chance to show them that our program is everything we pitch when doing outreach.

– Maria



Week five yay! On Tuesday we thought it was going to be an ordinary day, but we ended up serving a huge apartment complex all day. Despite the melting heat and unpredictable scheduling, the ESs moved persistently and energetically from apartment to apartment, offering quality service to each unit served.

– Faith