Happy New Year to all from the Rising Sun family. We have started the year off running, with a few programs already operating and even more in the works.

The East Bay Green Job Corps is moving to Richmond this season, with a whole new group of youth and a new community to serve. We are still accepting applications for youth ages 18-24, so if you are interested, click here.

The Marin chapter of the California Youth Energy Services program is starting 2011 with a brand-new cohort.

Our social enterprise, GETS Energy Services, is continuing its crusade to make homes more efficient with their retrofitting services in Richmond and Berkeley. They are regularly performing energy audits in both cities and have retrofitted a handful of homes. To learn more about the program, click here!

Last but certainly not least, our Green Energy Training Services (GETS) program is gearing up to begin not one, but two new cohorts at the beginning of March. GETS and GETS VESL (specifically for English language learners) will take trainees through a 100-hour energy technical training program, qualifying them for several entry-level jobs in the energy efficiency industry.

We are looking forward to another successful and productive year for all of our programs and are excited to continue serving Alameda, Contra Costa and Marin counties with energy efficiency and job training services in the months to come.

-Taraneh, Outreach Manager, CYES Program