Union City

Everything has been running great this past week at the Union City site! We are well past the halfway mark for our goal of GHC, nearing 150 completed appointments. Our outreach team has done a fantastic job scheduling appointments even without a wait list of people to go off of. We are striving to achieve the most this summer, and our Energy Specialists continue to be up to the challenge with whatever we throw at them. Avi and Jesse won our competition of getting the most referrals for the week, so they received free giftcards to TGI Fridays. Emily and Catherine won a different competition by making the least amount of mistakes on their forms. The prizes for them consisted of a free rock climbing coupon and a $25 gift card to Amazon. We have many more incentives for our Energy Specialist to come, which means they will stay motivated to be as professional and hard working as they can.


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Union City Week 4 - ES Tristhan

Tristhan with the riddle of the week, “How many apples grow on trees?….. All of them :)”


This week in Oakland we have been very successful. We have gotten more than 50 appointments and referrals keep coming in. it has been difficult for us because one of our ES’s had an accident and had to leave the rest of the day but another group stepped up and took on their appointments. They have improved a lot in their professionalism as many of our clients inform us as we call back. We have also canvassed at many community centers which give us many appointments and keep us busy helping those in need. looking forward to next week to and those adventures..



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Pleasanton Week 4 - Team with donuts from Jodi

Executive Director, Jodi Pincus, brought us donuts! Thanks for the donuts and the support, Jodi!

Despite the overwhelming amount of cancellations in week 3, the Pleasanton site has strived past adversity. We have serviced a wide variety of clients from houses in Ruby Hill to retirement homes and apartments. No house is too big or too small for our Energy Specialists. We are hungry for appointments and it is up to you to quell our insatiable appetites! In other news, we have collected a fair amount of donations thanks to the generosity of local businesses. A special mention goes to our Energy Specialist Darren for winning this week’s referral contest!



After another fully scheduled week of Green House Calls, our highly motivated group of Energy Specialists have surpassed the halfway mark of our goal to service 250 Dublin residences over the course of this summer. What is even more impresive, is the fact that they have achieved this milestone with the absence of a fourth team. We have now contacted every person on the extensive waitlist of Dublin citizens who wished to take advantage of this free service, and we still have several appointments available! If you or anyone you know are interested in receiving a free Green House Call, please click here.
