Are you interested in doing your part to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and conserve and protect our precious natural resources? Does the term “energy efficiency” make you feel all warm and toasty inside? Do you like to save money (who doesn’t)?

If the answer is yes, consider contacting the California Youth Energy Services Program and signing up for a FREE Green House Call. You can sign up now, and we will contact you for a summer appointment that works best with your schedule. It doesn’t matter if you are a home owner or renter, we can serve you either way!

If you happen to be a home owner who is interested in installing solar, keep in mind that energy efficiency experts recommend that you incorporate more basic energy-saving devices such as CFL lights in your home to maximize your efficiency before making the larger investment of solar energy.

Our Green House Call service includes elements such as free CFL lightbulbs (which we swap out for your old incandescents), water saving faucet aerator and low-flow shower heads, toilet and attic check, power strips for your entertainment center, retractable clothesline and more. Sign up by calling us at 510-665-1501 extension 10 or by clicking here.

Sincerely, Taraneh, California Youth Energy Services Outreach Manager