At Rising Sun Energy Center we strive to think of our annual staff retreat as an opportunity to continue to build a robust sense of connectedness and community amongst our staff. As a whole, according to Elena Foshay, Director of Adult Programs, and Julia Kim, Marketing and Development Coordinator, the retreat was a great opportunity for the staff to get to know each other better and to reconnect to the history and mission of Rising Sun, from Late Night Art at Green Gulch Zen Center to a hike and BBQ at Muir Beach.


LATE NITE ART was a perfect forum to facilitate this process.  Adam’s leadership and guidance created a space where the staff of Rising Sun could let go of inhibition and share parts of ourselves in a novel and expressive way. We were able to tackle the questions of why we work for Rising Sun, what inspires us and challenges us in our job, what passion we bring to the table and what we need from each other in order to continue to grow and build stronger programs for our community in an innovative and exciting way. We spent time letting go, and letting others draw for us. We let in the ideas and stories of the people around us, and most importantly we had a lot of fun with each other! The collective creative process that LATE NITE ART fashioned was invaluable to our organization and added to the overall experience of the retreat.

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Dancing and painting… at the same time? Now that was enlightening!


Painting together and trying to get to know each other was a really interesting experience. It completely removed the barriers that may exist in an office. Every single person in the room jumped in the game and let go their creativity.  – Nico, Collabriv Intern

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An opportunity to chat and be creative, all at once.



It was refreshing to see everyone work together in such a creative and collaborative way, and it was awesome to see us tie in our mission into a natural environment.  – Jennifer, Regional Outreach Manager

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And the final reward: a work of art that explained to us the benefit of working together as a team, irrespective of our differences or the shortcomings we thought we had.




The late night art was mind-blowing, it gave us the opportunity to let go of the limitations we felt both individually and as a group, and then release our inner creativity.It’s an engaging activity for both individuals and the organization at large.  – Toni, Collabriv Intern[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]