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I was given the chance to be one of the Energy Specialists for the whole day, “Oh man, I’ve missed being an ES.” We’re all working hard to provide the service to as many clients as possible, serving as many as four, maybe five appointments a day. At this pace, we should be hitting close to 100 Green House Calls by the end of this week. The ultimate reward for our hard workers is being able to say, “We did this. We accomplished our mission. We made our society that much more sustainable.” Of course a little pizza party is icing on the cake.


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In our second week of Green House Calls the Energy Specialists really started to get into the swing of things. The week’s focus was on canvassing and outreach. Our youth were out in the field gaining important social and professional experience. They worked on their Professional Development and created Identity Statements that will, no doubt, aid them in the occupational world for years to come. Shout out to Energy Specialist Teddy for winning this week’s referral contest!



I am proud to report that after a week of extensive training and practice, the Dublin site is off to another excellent start. We completed over 40 Green House Calls as of July 9, and already began to accumulate a large pile of old incandescent light bulbs and E-Waste to be properly disposed of. From the time I spent at the Farmers Market speaking with people in the community, I can tell that the city of Dublin is responding very positively to our efforts to cut back on residential water usage during the current drought.


This being our second year in Dublin, we have a long list of residents who we were not able to service during our program last year. Alfredo, our Outreach Manager, is working tirelessly to piece together a schedule of convenient appointment times for those who have been waiting since last summer. Meanwhile, our Site Manager, Dan, is actively working behind the scenes to ensure our office continues to operate at its full potential. Despite being short-staffed, this group of Energy Specialists is doing an excellent job of managing their time while working an overbooked schedule. That being said, I am greatly looking forward to seeing how the rest of this summer plays out!


Union City

This past week our Energy Specialists (ESs) at the Union City site have been very excited about all the Green House Call appointments they have been doing. To keep up with all the hard work that our ESs have been doing, we have started a friendly competition to see who can get the most referrals and scheduled appointments for this upcoming week. The team that gets the most referrals will win a Jamba Juice gift card, while the team that gets the most scheduled appointments will receive a $25 gift card to a place that will be named once the winner is announced. This incentive program is a great way for our Energy Specialists to have some fun while maintaining a professional work ethic. Stay tuned to find out which Energy Specialists are our weekly winners.

