By Andrew, LIFT (Leader-In-Field-Training)

CYES has had a special impact on my life and the lives of the Energy Specialists that work for Rising Sun. It is important to me because it gives me, as well as the Energy Specialists, a chance to make a difference in our community. We’re able to help so many people, familiar faces and new ones, which always leaves us with the special feeling of having done something right.

In the long run, our work pays off. We know that the upgrades we’re installing will help residents positively impact the environment, and sometimes we even run into appreciative clients after the program has finished. Those encounters with clients are the most rewarding. They truly demonstrate the lasting impact of our work. My most memorable resident encounter was at the grocery store after the 2014 program had ended. I ran into a client who was thrilled with the service we had provided saying, “what an amazing job you kids did at my house! I love my new lighting and my showerhead is amazing. Thank you so much!”

The gratitude I felt in that moment was the most rewarding part of this job. To see that we made such a lasting impact on someone’s life feels great, and I know my Energy Specialists this year will get the same great feeling after they provide this fantastic service.